Lineage Update, the 24th Anniversary episode 'Luck'
NC soft (CEO Kim Taejon) is Lineage Remaster (Lineage) has updated the 24th anniversary episode' Jean UN '.
Lineage started its service in 1998 and celebrated its 24th anniversary this year. All users can receive various rewards commemorating the 24th anniversary and enjoy related events.
NC offers all users with the 24th Anniversary Special Coupon. Users can receive coupons until January 11, 2023. Using the coupon, you will receive three items that can stably grow characters (the luck of the god, the growth potion of the god of death (event), and the gods' supply support cube).
Lineage users will receive the 24th Anniversary Coin by completing the daily/weekly content by January 11, 2023. Coin can be changed to '24th Anniversary Elixir 100% Rights (Event) 'and '24th Anniversary Rooms/Snapper +1 Reinforcement Right (Event). Depending on the cumulative coin acquired during the event, additional rewards (24th anniversary elixir completion box, 24th anniversary luxury pure elixir box, etc.) can be obtained.
The user receives the 'Signature Coupon' every time he earns the 24th Anniversary Coin. Coupons can be obtained up to eight pieces. 'Signature Coupon' allows you to recover items such as weapons, armor, and jewelry that failed to reinforce between January 25 and October 5, 2022. If there is no item to recover, you can also select 'Ain Ha sad Point Charge (1,000)'.
NC foretold existing content renewal and new content updates. Users can enjoy new contents such as the top renewal of domination, class rebalancing, ranking system renewal, hunting ground renewal, and world siege three stars. On November 2, a combat activation server 'Reaper' will be held for the early 90s users. Users can move the characters of the 'Red Knights' server and the character of the general server to the server.
In addition, the user said, ▲ 4 new buffs dedicated to PC rooms and 'paymaster pop-ups' that conveniently move dungeons 'PC room benefits and events' Cake '▲ You can enjoy a variety of events, such as' Valor Medal Season 6', which allows you to exchange medals that have been acquired by targeting the boss with reward items.
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