Half Lival Time: Alyx - VR opens up many new ways to expand the series, says Valve
From these first experiments, it clearly realized that VR would be a very fertile ground for Half Life, says Programmer Robin Walker.
The upcoming start of debrewverzeitzeit: Alyx is a big, big thing, not only because it is the return of depicting dehaltenbeit after more than a decade break and supposedly a large part of the larger narrative of the series, but also because Valve with this game all -in relies on virtual reality. Ease of half-life: Ayx To be an exclusive VR player, has steered a few people in the wrong direction, but it is still an exciting view to see how such a great game leads to a full-fledy AAA experience, in which all eggs in be laid the VR basket.
And according to Robin Walker von Valve, programmer on ease of half-life: Alyx The developer decided very early that the series and its main mechanics would fit perfectly to VR. Not only that, Walker also says that the virtual reality has opened many exciting new ways hirewertzeit as a series while maintaining the core essence of the franchise.
Our prototype work for this project began that we simply have assets and systems from dehaltenzeit 2 in VR, said Walker in an interview with Game Informer. That was a very faster way to get profound mechanical exploration in the engine. But as it turned out, ease-half-life a series of mechanics fit surprisingly good at VR, even before the necessary work has been done to integrate it deep into the medium.
From these first experiments, it clearly indicated that VR would be a very fertile ground deweartzeit , He continued. In the simplest sense, the game feels so on debewertzeit because it is hirewertzeit . VR has opened many new opportunities for extension debewertszeit Insert existing framework conditions as well as many brand new ideas, but these underlying bones are unmistakable.
In the face of which ease of half-life: Alyx is probably not the last game in the series, it should be interesting to see if Valve remains for future rates at VR, especially if alyx proves to be successful under critical and commercial aspects.
Dewreichwartzeit: Alyx is available for the PC on March 23 and supports the Valve Index (which will soon be backed up), HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality. Valve has recently published many new gameplay recordings - look at this.
Labeled with: half-life: Alyx, PC, steam index, valve
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