5 Tips to Choose Best Drop Location for Rank Push in Free Fire
The way to choose good landing spots is half the fight won in Fire. The players who know where and when to get away, they will not only benefit in the case of robbery, but they will also be able to do the area.
Although there will be a lot of time and effort in learning how to find the right drop location for the rank push, the player can implement some tips which will help them make the process very easy.
Top 5 Tips to Find Best Free Fire Drop Location for Rank Push
5) Find different drop locations next to the center of the map
The best place to land for the rank push in Free Fire is a separate area next to the map. While there may be risky to land next to the center, there is an advantage of landing.
Players who land down here will be able to enjoy zone control and can easily be able to fight opponents. Alternatively, they can also let the camps and opponents come to them at a place.
4) Avoid Hot Drop Places
While there are their advantages to drop in the center of the map, falling into hot drop places will not be beneficial at all. Most time, the players manage to land hard and are terminated by the players who have already weapons.
As long as the player should not be ready to put the match at risk and should not be sure about the skills of its existence, they should avoid hot drop location. On the other hand, the players looking for the challenge will be there.
3) Find such landing spots while playing with the team in which some are home
While playing with the entire team for the rank push in the free fire, there should be priority to seek the landing spot with some houses, because it will be extremely important for the team.
Falling anywhere on the map is a viable solution for single player, because too much will not be needed; On the other hand, a whole team will need a proper place to be prepared and ready. Apart from this, if anti-racer try, the structures will be covered by players.
2) Do not open the open field
One of the most important points to remember is not to get into the open terrain during a rank match. The goal of opponents is good, and the end of holding in the open will not be good.
Apart from this, most of the time players will not get good weapons in the open terrain, because during the free fire matches, most good loot usually occurs in those places where structures occur.
1) Try to land as soon as possible
The most important thing to remember when choosing a good drop location for the rank push in Free Fire is that try and land. While waiting to start the match, the players should already mark their drop locations.
This will save time and the players will know when to jump to reach their destination. However, if the opponents are descending in the same area, some can have to make adjustments.
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Disclaimer: This article reflects the author s opinion.
Edited by Siddhartha Satish
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